Benvinguts a l'apartat de receptes de la Cooperativa COANEGRA! Aquí trobareu una selecció de receptes tradicionals mallorquines, elaborades amb productes locals i ecològics. Aquestes receptes són fruit de les aportacions d'amigues i amics de la Cooperativa, i reflecteixen la riquesa i diversitat de la nostra cuina. Us convidem a explorar-les, gaudir-ne i compartir-les amb els vostres éssers estimats, tot promovent una alimentació saludable, sostenible i justa. Agraïm al Consell de Mallorca la seva subvenció, que ha fet possible aquest aplec i la promoció dels productes locals de la nostra illa. Bon profit!

Organic Products

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Customer Reviews

See what our members say about our organic products and workshops.

The organic products are fantastic! I love the workshops and community spirit.

Maria Torres
A wooden sign with black background and white text that reads 'FARM FRESH PRODUCE' is suspended from the ceiling with chains. The sign has a rustic appearance, with visible wood grain and metal fittings. The setting appears to be indoors with ceiling lights and a window in the background.
A wooden sign with black background and white text that reads 'FARM FRESH PRODUCE' is suspended from the ceiling with chains. The sign has a rustic appearance, with visible wood grain and metal fittings. The setting appears to be indoors with ceiling lights and a window in the background.


I appreciate the commitment to organic farming and the variety of workshops offered. It's a great place to learn and shop for healthy products.

A supermarket display of various fresh produce including cucumbers, tomatoes, and packaged goods. The display is accompanied by a promotional sign in German indicating up to 100 unpackaged fruit and vegetable items. The fresh products are organized in green crates and cardboard boxes, with some wrapped in plastic. Price labels are visible at the bottom of each section.
A supermarket display of various fresh produce including cucumbers, tomatoes, and packaged goods. The display is accompanied by a promotional sign in German indicating up to 100 unpackaged fruit and vegetable items. The fresh products are organized in green crates and cardboard boxes, with some wrapped in plastic. Price labels are visible at the bottom of each section.
Jordi Ruiz



On ens pots trobar?

Visita la nostra botiga física situada en Es Figueral, en el municipi de Marratxí.

Avinguda Prínceps d'Espanya, 45 (Marratxí)

Illes Balears


Dimarts 9.00-13.30h 17.00-20.00h

Dimecres 9.00-13.30h

Dijous 9.00-13.30h 17.00-20.00h

Divendres 9.00-13.30h

Dissabte 9.00-13.30h

TANCAT: Dilluns i diumenge